Wisconsin DQ Puts Up ‘Politically Incorrect’ Sign, Owner Doesn’t Back Down

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A big sign at a Dairy Queen in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, has everyone talking online.

It proudly displays classic holiday greetings like “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Easter,” and also gives thanks to veterans on Veterans Day.

Kevin Scheunemann, who owns the restaurant, stands by the sign. He says it’s been up for almost four years and shows how he and his team are dedicated to their faith and country.

“We put up the sign after a customer complained about Christian music,” Scheunemann explains. “Since then, it hasn’t caused any more problems.”

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Recently, a tourist from Oregon posted a picture of the sign on Facebook, which got people debating about whether it’s inclusive enough. Some folks support the sign’s message, while others argue about sharing the picture.

Local business owners back Scheunemann, saying customers can choose where they want to go if they don’t like the sign.

Dairy Queen’s headquarters made it clear that Scheunemann’s views don’t speak for the whole company.

They stress that it’s important to treat all customers with respect, no matter what their beliefs are.

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