On her way to work, a nurse from Essex, England, spotted an abandoned suitcase on the sidewalk. Her curiosity made her stop and check it out. What she found inside was truly surprising!
The suitcase was filled with 15 tiny kittens, only three to five weeks old.

The bag had several holes cut into it so the kittens could breathe. It seemed like whoever left them wanted to give them a chance to survive. The suitcase was also left near a well-known animal shelter.
The nurse quickly called for help from a shelter worker named Alison Gamble. Alison checked the kittens and was relieved to find they were in good condition. “They are in good condition, and it’s clear that the kittens have been away from their mother,” Alison said.

Since the kittens were so young and hadn’t been weaned yet, they needed special care to make sure they got enough nutrition.
Fortunately, the shelter staff were ready to care for the 15 little ones until they could be adopted. The kittens were too young and vulnerable to be on their own.

“Six of them show some symptoms of eye infection, while the others initially seem healthy, but we want to closely monitor them to ensure their overall well-being,” Alison explained.
Watch the video below to see the full story of these lucky kittens!