Parents find note son left them before death from brain bacteria

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The Heartwarming Story of Leland Shoemake: A Boy Who Shined Bright

Sometimes, life throws us into heartbreaking situations that we never expect. Tragically, many families face the unimaginable loss of their children due to accidents, illnesses, or diseases.

This is the story of a remarkable little boy named Leland Shoemake, and it’s sure to tug at your heartstrings. So, grab some tissues, because this is an emotional journey.

Leland Shoemake was a lively and joyful 6-year-old boy from Williamson, Georgia. His smile was contagious, and his bright mind and creativity left a lasting impression on everyone who met him. “He knew his ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, and 20 sight words by the time he was a year old.

He was our little nerd, and we loved that about him,” his mother, Amber Shoemake, shared on social media. Leland was a curious child who loved learning. He was fascinated by the History Channel, enjoyed watching documentaries, and was always eager to soak up new information.

But fate had a different plan for Leland. In 2015, everything changed when he suddenly fell ill. He was rushed to the hospital, and his condition quickly worsened. Doctors were initially puzzled, thinking he might have meningitis. However, after more tests, they discovered something much more alarming.

Leland had a brain infection caused by a rare amoeba called Balamuthia mandrillaris. No one knew how he got this dangerous bacteria, but it was possible he came into contact with it while playing outside, where he loved to dig in the dirt.

“The one thing he loved most was playing in the dirt,” Amber wrote in a heartfelt post. “I never imagined that would be the thing that would take him from me.” Leland battled bravely against the infection, enduring severe headaches, fever, vomiting, and dizziness.

His mother described how he struggled, saying, “He has had bad headaches, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and now his eyes are crossed, and he can’t focus on anything without his eyes moving and seeing double.” Despite his fight, on September 25, 2015, Leland passed away, leaving his family shattered.

When Amber and her husband returned home from the hospital after saying their final goodbyes, they were engulfed in sorrow. But in the midst of their grief, something caught their eye on the living room table. It was a note from Leland, a final message from their beloved son.

The note read, “Stil (sic) with you… Thank you, mom and dad… Love.” Along with the words, he drew a big red heart that contained the words “mom,” “dad,” and “love.”

Imagine the comfort that note must have brought to Amber and her husband during such a painful time. It was a bittersweet reminder of the love they shared as a family, a small glimmer of hope in their darkest hour. “We have no idea when he wrote it, but you can tell he was always a special child,” Amber reflected.

In a heartfelt post on social media, Amber poured out her emotions, sharing memories of Leland. “I was overprotective of Leland and tried my best to keep him safe. He was my world. He made me a mother. We struggled so hard to have him. He was a preemie baby but came out screaming and healthy.

He was smart from day one.” She recalled how Leland loved learning about history, ships like the Titanic, and even World War II. “He was perfect. His favorite movie was Jaws, and his favorite actor was Adam Sandler. He loved his brother and his family so much. He was the life of every party. His smile could light up a city.”

Amber continued, “He could have done great things in this world. My whole life, this has been my only fear, and it came true. No one should ever have to bury a child. I always said I hope it’s me that goes first because I don’t think I’m strong enough to handle something like this.”

The pain of losing a child is something no parent should ever have to endure, and Amber’s heart-wrenching words echo the deep love she had for Leland.

She remembered the little things that made Leland special, like his funny quotes from movies. “I find myself sitting here remembering things he would say, like ‘check ya later’ from Dazed and Confused or ‘you’re gonna need a bigger boat’ from Jaws.”

These memories were precious to her, reminding her of the light that Leland brought into their lives.

As Amber and her husband faced the unimaginable, they clung to the hope that Leland’s story would continue to be shared. “We will love you forever, Leland. Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!” she wrote, hoping that his memory would shine bright in the hearts of those who knew him.

Losing a child is the most devastating experience a parent can face. Yet, even in the midst of such immense pain, Leland’s story serves as a reminder to cherish every moment we have with our loved ones. Life can change in an instant, and it’s essential to hold onto the memories and love we share.

Let us remember Leland Shoemake, the incredible young boy who touched so many lives. His spirit lives on in the hearts of his family and friends, reminding us all to embrace life and love fiercely. What are your thoughts on Leland’s story? Feel free to share in the comments below!