My crazy Neighbor covered my car with Eggs because of a silly reason

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Genevieve was barely holding on. Life had become a blur of exhaustion since her twins, Lily and Lucas, were born. Every day felt like a battle just to survive. The twins needed her around the clock, and by the time night rolled around, Genevieve was running on empty. Sleep was a distant dream, and every moment felt stretched thin.

Outside, the neighborhood was buzzing with excitement. Halloween was just around the corner, and houses were starting to go up with their spooky decorations. But Genevieve couldn’t summon the energy or the spirit to join in. She could barely keep up with her own daily grind, let alone put up a festive display.

And then there was Brad. Genevieve’s next-door neighbor. He was as stubborn as a mule and had a sense of entitlement that rubbed her the wrong way. The man thought the whole street belonged to him, including the spot in front of her house where she usually parked. It was a spot she needed, especially with two newborns in tow.

One afternoon, as Genevieve pulled into the spot, Brad appeared out of nowhere, his face twisted in irritation.

“You can’t park there,” he said, pointing at the spot as if it had his name on it.

Genevieve felt her patience start to snap. “Brad, I have twins. Parking here makes it easier for me to carry them inside.”

Brad just shrugged, completely uninterested in her reasoning. “Not my problem, Genevieve. You can park there once Halloween is over.”

Genevieve stood there, too tired to argue. She was drained, both physically and emotionally. Instead of letting him see her frustration, she simply turned away, biting her tongue as she walked back inside. But inside, the anger was bubbling up. This wasn’t something she could just let slide.

Later that day, as she scrubbed egg off her car, Genevieve realized she had to do something. If Brad wanted to be petty, well, two could play at that game. But she wasn’t about to stoop to his level and start a fight. No, she was going to outsmart him. Calmly. Cleverly.

As she rocked Lily to sleep that night, an idea started to form. Brad was obsessed with Halloween. His decorations were legendary in the neighborhood, and he lived for the attention they brought. He took great pride in the admiration his yard received. But that pride was also his weakness. Genevieve didn’t want to confront him directly, but she could subtly set him up for a fall.

The next day, she walked over to Brad’s yard, where he was busy putting the finishing touches on his elaborate Halloween setup.

“Hi, Brad!” she called cheerfully, a smile on her face. “Wow, your setup looks amazing! Have you ever thought about using some high-tech gadgets, like fog machines or ghost projectors? That could take it to the next level.”

Brad’s eyes practically lit up. “That’s a great idea!” he said, clearly excited by the suggestion. Genevieve’s smirk grew inwardly. Her plan was working perfectly.

By Halloween night, Brad’s yard had transformed into an over-the-top haunted house. There were strobe lights, swirling fog, eerie sound effects, and even holographic ghosts. It was impressive—until it wasn’t.

The combination of all those high-powered gadgets was too much for his system, and it short-circuited. The fog machine sputtered, the lights flickered, and the sound effects died out. By the time the first group of trick-or-treaters arrived, Brad’s grand display had become a ghost of its former self—literally.

Genevieve watched from her window, a satisfied smile on her lips. She didn’t need to yell or make a scene. Brad had managed to sabotage himself, all on his own.

The next morning, there was a knock at Genevieve’s door. She opened it to find Brad standing there, looking awkward and uncomfortable. His usual arrogance was gone, replaced by a sheepish look.

“I… uh… came to apologize,” he muttered, not meeting her eyes. “For the eggs. I acted out of line.”

Genevieve crossed her arms and took her time before responding. “Yeah, you did.”

Brad shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t realize how tough things must be for you with the twins. I’m really sorry.”

Genevieve let the silence stretch, enjoying the sight of him squirming a little. Finally, she spoke. “Apology accepted, Brad. But I trust this won’t happen again.”

Brad nodded quickly, eager to move past the uncomfortable moment. “No, it won’t.”

As he turned to leave, Genevieve couldn’t resist tossing out one last remark. “Funny how things tend to even out in the end, isn’t it?”

Brad glanced over his shoulder, but this time, there was nothing he could say. No retort. No smug response. He just walked away, silently.

Genevieve watched him go, feeling a small victory. She had handled the situation with grace and cleverness, and in the end, Brad had learned a lesson—albeit the hard way.

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