Lacey Chabert Has Vanished – Here’s Why

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Lacey Chabert is famous for her role in Mean Girls and many other films. It seemed like she was set to stay in the spotlight, but life had other plans.

While many of her co-stars, like Lindsay Lohan, managed to stay famous for various reasons, Lacey chose a different path. Although she isn’t making headlines like she used to, she’s actually doing well.

In September 2016, Lacey had a daughter named Julia. This was a big change for her, and she also took care of her Chihuahua, Kitty.

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Excited about becoming a mom, Lacey knew her life priorities would shift. Balancing being a new mom and working in showbiz is tough.

In 2018, she reflected, “I think I would have been surprised if you had told me two years ago that this is what my career would look like today, but it’s such a great fit for who I am and where I am in my life right now.”

Despite her personal achievements, many still see her as the “mean girl” from her movies, making it hard for her to break out of that image. While her Hollywood peers kept advancing, she seemed to fall behind.

It’s worth noting that many of her contemporaries made millions the same year she gave birth. Since Mean Girls, her films haven’t been as successful, and it’s been almost ten years since she starred in a major movie.

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However, that doesn’t mean she isn’t successful. Her net worth is estimated at $4 million, which might seem small compared to some of her co-stars, but it’s still impressive.

Lacey loves her small-town roots and is proud of them, even though she enjoyed her time in Hollywood and appreciated the support she received there.

She’s also interested in exploring other parts of the industry. While we haven’t seen everything she can do yet, it will be exciting to watch her continue to grow and perhaps become a new rising star once again.

Stay tuned to see what Lacey Chabert does next!

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